S’équiper pour un <em>road trip</em>

Are you planning a road trip this summer? Here’s our list of essentials.

Go Girl

A urination device can be really practical for a women when public restrooms are few and far between… Flexible and equipped with a patented splash guard, the Go Girl is a great choice.

USB car charger

To ensure that your gadgets are always ready for use! It would be upsetting to miss a great photo opportunity because your telephone is dead.

Travel blanket

It’s not always easy to set the car temperature so every passenger is happy. A good blanket is very practical for those who tend to feel chilly.

Neck pillow

There’s nothing better than a neck pillow for taking a comfortable nap. If space is an issue, choose this inflatable one. And sleep tight.

Body-cooling neck wrap

Ideal for travel, camping and sports, a neck wrap can cool you down for hours. Just soak it in water for 30 minutes.

50 itinéraires de rêve au Québec (in French only)

No better way to be inspired: read one or several books describing recommended itineraries. You’ll be even better prepared!

See our selection for your preparations

Accessories Anti-theft gear

Guides and maps Suitcases