13 articles de voyage essentiels pour un voyage dans le Sud

13 essential travel articles for a trip to the South

People who fly to an exotic destination to counter the rigors of Quebec winter are numerous. Obviously, getting a few days of vacation in the sun is not without effective preparation. Here are some essential objects to slip into your suitcase before your trip to the south. What make your stays at the beach and your week even more pleasant in an all-inclusive!
Se préparer pour un festival

Getting ready for a festival

With the arrival of summer comes a lineup of festivals, much to the delight of music-lovers. Planning on hitting the stages to see your favourite artists perform? Here are eight essentials to ensure you make the most of these truly memorable events.
13 objets à glisser dans son bagage de cabine

13 items to pack in your carry-on luggage

The cabin suitcase should contain both the necessary for a pleasant flight and an emergency kit to survive a few days in the event of a pepper with the luggage once at destination. It is therefore important to plan the content carefully and to learn about the regulations so as not to transport objects prohibited by plane.

Here are 13 articles made to measure to facilitate the lives of travelers.

Coffre de toit et support: conseils pour faire le bon choix

Choosing the right roof box or roof bag

Vous manquez d’espace de rangement dans votre voiture lorsque vous partez en voyage? Vous transportez des équipements surdimensionnés comme des skis? Un système de rangement extérieur, comme un coffre de toit ou un sac de toit, est une solution pratique. Suivez notre guide pour choisir le bon système, qui correspond à vos besoins et à votre véhicule.

Bien choisir votre guide de voyage

Choosing the right travel guide

There’s always room in your suitcase for a travel guide! They’re also very practical when it comes to planning your trip in advance. But with a ple...
Bagage de cabine: ce qu’il faut savoir

Carry-on baggage: what you should know

The baggage you bring aboard the aircraft is called carry-on or hand baggage. Some airlines also allow you to bring a personal bag as well. Suitcas...
13 conseils pratiques pour organiser ses bagages

Packing for a trip: 13 practical tips

Here are our specialists’ tips and tricks to help you pack efficiently. 1) Keep it wrinkle-free Roll your tops and pants instead of folding them. Y...
Voyage à Disney: des incontournables à glisser dans sa valise

Trip to Disney: must-haves to pack in your suitcase

Preparing for a trip to Walt Disney’s magical world requires a fair share of organization and the acquisition of essential items to make one’s life...
Comment faire sa valise?

How to pack your bags

Packing your travel bags isn’t always an easy task. Your goals are not to forget anything, make sure your clothes don’t crease, organize all your s...
Liste pour vos vacances: suivez-la pour penser à tout

Vacation checklist: keeping track of everything

Packing your gear for a trip? Here is a list of items that could prove useful to you. Don’t forget them at home! Health and hygiene Toothbrush and...
Le sac antivol: un allié de taille!

The anti-theft bag: A traveller’s best friend!

A growing number of globetrotters are turning to anti-theft bags to protect their personal belongings. Here’s what you should know about this emine...
Pourquoi opter pour des vêtements avec protection solaire?

Why wear clothing with sun protection?

As you know, the sun and its ultraviolet (UV) rays can be harmful to the skin. Hats, shirts, pants and other clothing with sun protection will help...

Make the most of our travel tips to help you choose your carry-on suitcase or travel guide.

Check out our lists of essential accessories to bring for a trip to the South or to Disney. Also, watch a video on how to pack properly.

Last but not least,
read up on many other topics to help you prepare for your next vacation.